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  License Agreement for the ABACUS Package


September 7, 2015


ABACUS (Atomic-orbital Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc) Package is a first-principle package developed by the research group supervised by Prof. Lixin He (here referred as the licensor),at the Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China. By using this software, I accept the following conditions and terms:


1. All title, ownership and rights to the software or to copies of it remain with the licensor. I will keep intact all copyright notices.

2. I only make the software available to my own research group.And I will not supply a copy of the software to other groups for any reason whatsover. I will refer any request for copies of the software to the licensor.

3. I will not incorporate any part of the software into other without prior written permission of the licensor.

4. I understand that the licensor doesn't have an obligation to maintain, support, and update the software and the licensor does not bear any related costs.

5. if the software is used as the basis for further methodological or program development,I will make these additions available to the licensor.The licensor will also be entitled to include these additions in further releases of the software.

6. I agree that modifications or extensions of the program do not change the copyright.

7. I agree that the licensor has the right to terminate this license at any time.

8. In any publication based on application of the software, I will reference the software as follows:

9. This license only applies to non-profit research of academic users. Commercial use of the software is prohibited  under the terms of this license.


Before you download the package, you must make sure that you agree the license above!

You can install and use this package with the help of the manual.

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